
Ultimae records

KANTHOR | Mathème (Shaded Explorations) – Cassette
KANTHOR | Mathème (Shaded Explorations) - CassetteKANTHOR | Mathème (Shaded Explorations) - CassetteKANTHOR | Mathème (Shaded Explorations) - CassetteKANTHOR | Mathème (Shaded Explorations) - Cassette



13.00 € 11.00 €

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Product Description

Mathème is a neologism which the french psychoanalyst Lacan uses to refer to his formulas, derived from the term Mythème (coined by Lévi-Strauss to denote the basic constituents of mythological systems). The mythème trades in opinion and narrative, in cosmogony and poetic richness. For the mathème, by contrast, it is a question not of opinion but of truth. The mathème is non-narrative, non-hermeneutic, and abstract. To add a bit of magic, Fjäder reinterprets Mathème with a “Midsummer Night´s Dream” version.

Produced across France, Canada and Portugal between 2015 and 2017, Mathème explores the beauty of choice rather than a balance forever postponed.