Nebulae Live at the Planetarium

Ultimae records

MARTIN NONSTATIC | Nebulae Live at the Planetarium (Ultimae) – CD/Download

Nebulae Live at the Planetarium


10.00 €

High-quality download in FLAC & WAV

Product Description

The Nebulae live session took place in February 2016 at the Zeiss Planetarium in Bochum, Germany and presented performances by Ultimae artists with a special dome projection by Tobias Wiethoff.
This is one of the recordings…

Martin Nonstatic opened his live performance with “Into the Nebulae” a brand new work to introduce a spaced out exploration of his Granite album. All tracks were fully reworked to create a vaster atmosphere to fill the dome. You’ll recognise the spirit, the story is something else!

Written, produced and performed live by Martin Van Rossum
Audio mastering by Vincent Villuis | Ultimae Studio
Pictures by Markus Wilwerscheid and Tobias Wiethoff
Artwork by Arnaud Galoppe